3Form natural materials
Here are two 3Form natural materials out of hundreds of choices, Seagrass and Harvest with an Ivory backer, that DeepStream Designs made into outdoor recycling bins.
These bins will be going into a parking garage in Houston and are complete with passivated SS 16 Gauge Stainless Steel lids. At our clients request they have been fitted with Smokers Stations by us at a cost lower than they could buy the Smokers Stations by themselves.
All materials used in the construction are recycled or recyclable and the individual pieces can easily be replaced should they ever be damaged or the client want to change their design!
Marine Anodized Aluminum
DeepStream’s proprietary marine anodized aluminum extrusions have no paint or powder coating to fail. this is especially important for weatherproof outdoor fixtures and fixtures’ in costal environment where corrosive salt spray quickly makes paint an powder coating fail.

Due to the design and engineering behind our exclusive extrusions and operating solutions DeepStream offers a Lifetime Structural Warranty and unique Core Replacement Program. any damaged components can be replaced with a screwdriver with replacement parts at the manufacturers direct price.
Recycled Plastic Lumber

Weatherproof Recycled Plastic Lumber is a win for the environment and for our customers. It reduces expensive labor since it can be pressure cleaned for sanitation and to remove graffiti and never needs refinishing.
Weatherproof, UV resistant RPL reduces maintenance costs while enhancing your properties and brands, exhibiting timeless beauty and making an environmental statement. It is back by it’s manufacturer for 50 years, We have had it on our test planters for 15 years now with no noticeable degradation.

We encourage you to seriously consider the cost benefits and the long-term appearance of RPL versus tropical hardwood. By selecting this material for your project, you are making a positive environmental statement to your customers.